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39. Oklander LI, Soto-Calderón ID. (2024). Applications of Primate Genetics for Conservation and Management. Annu Rev Anthropol., 53. Abstract
38. Henao-Sáenz C, Herrera-Pérez J, Soto-Calderón ID. (2024). Diversity and spatial genetic structure of the common opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) in an urban matrix of Northwestern Colombia. Mamm Biol. PDF
37. Arias T, Saldarriaga JD, Arenas-Castro H, Idárraga-Piedrahita Á, López-Alvarez N, Tovar Luque E, Torres-Morales G, Gonzalez MA, Soto-Calderón ID. (2024). Reconstructing the Phylogeny of Calliandra sect. Androcallis (Fabaceae): Inclusion of Colombian Species, with a Focus on the Enigmatic Taxon Calliandra medellinensis. Syst Bot. 49(2): 364-380. Abstract
36. Maldonado AM, Soto-Calderón ID, Hinek A, Moreno-Sierra AM, Lafon T, Londoño D, Peralta-Aguilar A, Inga-Díaz G, Sánchez N, Mendoza P. (2023). Conservation Status of the Nancy Ma’s Owl Monkey (Aotus nancymaae, Hershkovitz, 1983) on the Colombian-Peruvian Amazon Border In: Fernández-Duque E (ed). Owl Monkeys. Springer, Cham. Abstract
35. Rasmussen L, Fontsere C, Soto-Calderón ID, Guillen R, Savage A, Hansen AJ, Hvilsom C, Gilbert MTP. (2023). Assessing the genetic composition of cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) before sweeping anthropogenic impact. Mol Ecol. 32:5514-5527. PDF
34. Guimarães Riva H, Henao Montoya LM, Franco Gutiérrez M, Dueñas Flórez M, Olaciregui C, Andrade E, Acevedo-Garcés YA, Soto-Calderón ID. (2023). Urban biodiversity: Cuterebriasis in free-ranging Robinson's mouse opossum (Marmosa robinsoni) in the suburbs of Barranquilla, Colombia. Int J Parasit: Parasites and Wildlife. 21: 83-88. PDF
33. Soto-Calderón ID, Salazar-Meneses MF, Maldonado AM, Mendoza AP, Valle-Useche CM, Ussa-Pérez DA. (2023). Guía para la colecta de muestras biológicas de especies silvestres para análisis moleculares. 24p. PDF
32. Herrera-Pérez J, Jiménez-Segura LF, Márquez EJ, Campo O, Soto-Calderón I.D. (2023). Genetic diversity and structure of Brycon henni in regulated and non-regulated water flow rivers of the Colombian Andes. Front. Environ. Sci. 11: 1-13 PDF
31. Ávila-García AM, Echeverri-López F, Ríos-Pineda J, Soto-Calderón ID. (2022). Fauna Silvestre: Vecinos Peludos del Valle Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá - Cuentos para Aprender en Familia. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. PDF
30. Mejía-Estrada M, Jiménez-Segura LF, Hernández-Zapata M, Soto-Calderón ID. (2022). Contribution to a reference library of DNA barcodes of Colombian freshwater fishes. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e65981. PDF
29. Soto- Calderón ID, Moreno-Sierra AM, Ramírez-González MG, Roncancio-Duque N. (2021). Conservación a través de la genética: El caso del mono aullador rojo (Alouatta seniculus) en el Santuario de Fauna y Flora Otún Quimbaya de Colombia. In Situ 6: 26-35. PDF
28. Ávila AM, Solari S, Soto-Calderón ID. (2021). Guía Ilustrada de Mamíferos de la Universidad de Antioquia - Sede Principal y Sede Robledo. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. On-line tools PDF
27. Acevedo-Garcés YA, Valencia LM, Di Fiore A, Acevedo-Cendales LD, Rojas W, Bock B, Ospina O, Álvarez J, Soto-Calderón ID. (2021). Current and Historical Genetic Structure of the White-Footed Tamarin (Saguinus leucopus). In: Nardelli M, Túnez JI. (eds). Molecular Ecology and Conservation Genetics of Neotropical Mammals. Springer, Cham. Abstract
26. Moreno-Sierra AM, Cerón-Muñoz MF, Soto-Calderón ID. (2021). Population genetic structure of two herds of Aberdeen Angus cattle breed in Colombia. Rev. Colomb. Cienc. Pecu. 34: 278-290. PDF
25. Muñoz-Lora ML, Gómez-Cadenas K, Falla AC, Soto-Calderón ID. (2020). Trends in the use of studbooks in captive breeding programs of Neotropical primates. Neotrop. Primates. 26: 30-40. PDF
24. Villada-Cadavid T, Soto-Calderón ID. (2020). Diversidad de mamíferos en un remanente de bosque urbano de la ciudad de Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia). Actual. Biol. 43:1-11. Abstract PDF 
23. Henao Díaz F, Stevenson P, Carretero-Pinzón X, Castillo-Ayala C, Chacón Pacheco J, Defler T,
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22. Soto-Calderón ID. (2019). Conservación de Fauna Silvestre Urbana: El Reto de una Ciudad. Experimenta. 11: 40-45. PDF
21. Soto-Calderón ID, Acevedo-Garcés YA, Restrepo-Agudelo T, Llinás-Guerrero JC, Rivillas-Puello Y, López JB. (2018). Phenotypic, Genetic, and Cytogenetic evidence of Hybridization Between Species of Trans-Andean Tamarins (Genus Saguinus). Int. J. Primat. 39:1022-1038. Abstract PDF
20. Franco-Gutiérrez LJ, Álvarez-Cardona J, Soto-Calderón ID. (2017). Sex identification of neotropical macaws (Ara spp.) from invasive and non-invasive samples. Ornitología Colombiana. 16:eNB03. Abstract PDF
19. Londoño-Díaz N, Cerón-Muñoz MF, Soto-Calderón ID. (2016). Genetic diversity of Senepol cattle in Colombia using ten multiplexed microsatellites. Livestock Res. Rural Development. 28:137. HTML

18. Soto-Calderón ID, Acevedo-Garcés YA, Álvarez-Cardona J, Hernández-Castro C, García-Montoya GM. (2016). Physiological and parasitological implications of living in a city: the case of the white-footed tamarin (Saguinus leucopus). Am. J. Primat. 78:1272-1281. Abstract PDF
17. Soto-Calderón ID. (2015). Conservación de la Biodiversidad en Colombia: Acción y Reversión de los Procesos de Extracción. Bol. Col. Biol. Evol. 3:12-13.
16. Soto-Calderón ID, Dew JL, Bergl RA, Jensen-Seaman MI, Anthony NM. (2015). Admixture between Historically Isolated Mitochondrial Lineages in Captive Western Gorillas: Recommendations for Future Management. J. Hered. 106:310-314. Abstract PDF
15. Soto-Calderón ID, Clark NJ, Wildschutte JVH, DiMattio K, Jensen-Seaman MI, Anthony NM. (2014). Identification of Species-specific Nuclear Insertions of Mitochondrial DNA (numts) in Gorillas and their Potential as Population Genetic Markers. Mol. Phylog. Evol. 81:61-70. Abstract PDF
14. Das E, Hergenrother SD, Soto-Calderón ID, Dew JL, Anthony NM, Jensen-Seaman MI. (2014). Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the eastern gorilla (Gorilla beringei) and implications for African ape biogeography. J. Hered. 105:752-761 Abstract PDF
13. Acevedo-Garcés JA, Álvarez-Cardona J, Vargas-Valencia V, Hernández-Castro C, García-Montoya GM, Soto-Calderón ID. (2014). Clinical and parasitological evaluation of white-footed tamarins (Primates: Cebidae: Saguinus leucopus) from two free-range populations located in San Carlos and San Rafael (Antioquia, Colombia). Rev. CES Med. Vet. Zoot. 9:68-83. Abstract PDF
12. Rojas W, Campo O, García J, Soto I, Duque C, Bedoya G, Ruiz-Linares A. (2012). Coancestría de apellidos y linajes del cromosoma Y en el noroeste de Colombia. Rev. Col. Antrop. 48:49-79. Abstract PDF
11. Soto-Calderón ID, Lee EJ, Jensen-Seaman MI, Anthony NM. (2012). Factors Affecting the Relative Abundance of Nuclear Copies of Mitochondrial DNA (Numts) in Hominoids. J. Mol. Evol. 75:102-111. Abstract PDF
10. Ntie S, Soto-Calderón ID, Eaton MJ, Anthony NM. (2010). Cross-species amplification of bovid microsatellites in central African duikers (genus Cephalophus) and other sympatric artiodactyls. Molec. Ecol. Resour. 10:1059-1065. Abstract
9. Jensen-Seaman MI, Wildschutte JVH, Soto-Calderón ID, Anthony NM. A Comparative Approach Shows Differences in Patterns of Numt Insertion During Hominoid Evolution. J. Mol. Evol. 68:688-699. Abstract PDF
8. Linares M, Soto-Calderón ID, Lees DC, Anthony N. (2008) High mitochondrial diversity in geographically widespread butterflies of Madagascar: a test of the DNA barcoding approach. Molec. Phylog. Evol. 50:485-495. Abstract PDF
7. Soto-Calderón ID, Ntie S, Mickala P, Maisels F, Wickings EJ, Anthony NM. (2009) Effects of Storage Type and Time on DNA Amplification Success in Tropical Ungulate Faeces. Molec. Ecol. Resources. 9:471–479. Abstract
6. Bedoya G, García J, Montoya P, Rojas W, Amézquita ME, Soto I, López MC, Ospina-Duque J, Ruiz-Linares A. (2006) Análisis de isonimia entre poblaciones del noroeste de Colombia. Biomédica. 26:538-545. Abstract PDF
5. Bedoya G, Montoya P, Garcia J, Soto I, Bourgeois S, Carvajal L, Labuda D, Alvarez V, Ospina J, Hedrick PW, Ruiz-Linares A. (2006). Admixture dynamics in Hispanics: a shift in the nuclear genetic ancestry of a South American population isolate. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 103:7234-7239. Abstract PDF
4. Ospina-Duque J, Ochoa L, García J, López C, Calle J, Carvajal L, Soto I, Pineda N, Duque C, Miranda A, Cuartas M, Gómez J, Agudelo A, Montoya G, López M, Gallo A, Montoya P, Palacio C, Bedoya G, McCarthy M, Reus V, Freimer N, Ruiz-Linares A. (2001). Loci Genéticos Asociados al Trastorno Bipolar: Estudios en Población Colombiana. Rev. Col. Psiqu. 30:239-247. Abstract PDF
3. Mesa N, Mondragón MC, Soto ID, Parra MV, Duque C, Ortiz-Barrientos D, García LF, Vélez ID, Bravo ML, Múnera JG, Bedoya G, Bortolini MC and Ruiz-Linares A. (2000). Autosomal, mtDNA and Y-Chromosome Diversity in Amerinds: pre and post-Columbian Patterns of Gene Flow in South America. Am. J. Human Genet. 67:1277-1286. Abstract PDF
2. Carvajal-Carmona LG, Soto ID, Pineda N, Ortiz-Barrientos D, Duque C, Ospina-Duque JH, Montoya P, Álvarez V, Bedoya G and Ruiz-Linares A. (2000). Strong Amerind/Caucasoid Gender Bias and Evidence of a Sephardic Contribution among the Founders of a Population in North West Colombia. Am. J. Human Genet. 67:1287-1295. Abstract PDF
1. Jorge Ospina-Duque, Constanza Duque, Luis Carvajal-Carmona, Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos, Iván Soto, Nicolás Pineda, Mauricio Cuartas, Jorge Calle, Carlos López, Luis Ochoa, Jenny García, Juliana Gomez, Angela Agudelo, Maria Lozano, Gabriel Montoya, Angelica Ospina, Maria López, Aurora Gallo, Ana Miranda, Lina Serna, Patricia Montoya, Carlos Palacio, Gabriel Bedoya, Mark McCarthy, Victor Reus, Nelson Freimer and Andres Ruiz-Linares. (2000). An Association Study of Bipolar Mood Disorder (Type I) with the 5-HTTLPR Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism in a Population Isolate from Colombia. Neuroscience letters 292:199-202. Abstract

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